This is a selection of work done in those periods when I was working at home. Please remember that Art work in this digital computer venue is distorted! The light is coming through the work rather than reflecting off of it, the size is small and undetermined and has lost its significance to the whole, and the colour harmonies approximate the originals. Despite these drawbacks of digital reproduction a certain validity and engagement with the import, aesthetics and emotional impact of the work remains, and makes the viewing worthwhile. The African and Italian experiences obviously affected the Canadian pieces in their turn.
As for the connection with Mr. Jackson mentioned earlier, it was in 1965 in the summer month of July that I was the doctor for a division of the Alpine Club of Canada bent on climbing and claiming jagged mountain peaks in the remote interior of Baffin Island inside the Arctic Circle. A.Y.'s niece was the camp cook and he, at 82, was along to relive a similar excursion he had made in 1929 with well renowned Dr Fredrick Banting, also an accomplished painter. Uncle Alec as he liked to be called, and I shared a tent together for three weeks and painted each day when possible. Evening conversations in our sleeping bags on the ground before sleep settled in are very personal treasured memories, you can bet on it! We corresponded until he died and I am the grateful beneficiary of his kindness and counsel.
\In this section are to be found a couple of childhood “enthusiastic” pieces that opened the door to a talent, then evidence of self taught exploration of the possibilities, leading to later life disciplines and training. The impetus has always involved visual/emotional stimulation and enjoyment of the talent itself, and has the additional effect, I feel, of being a meditation or focussing, for artist and viewer alike. People are the special area of my interest artistically as they were in my medical career. The technical range includes drawing in pencil, pen and ink, woodcut/wood engraving, and painting in watercolour and with oil/acrylic on canvas. The categories represented are; people, landscape, still life, floral, abstract, Master copies, fantasies and etc.